Friday, 15 March 2013


FEMALE students at Mutare Teachers College have made history by taking up top Student Representative Council (SRC) positions, including the much esteemed presidency post.

Virginia Chipumo is the new SRC President, while Monica Nemutambwe and Charity Muchichwa are Secretary General and Finance Officer respectively.
The Entertainment Officer’s post was taken by Sarah Tionesei and the Food Representative is Grace Kunaka, while the Sports Officer post belongs to Jesman Mukwera. Only one male student completed the SRC team led by females.
The new female driven SRC team: from left
       Charity Muchichwa (Finance Officer), Virginia Chipumo

(President), Sarah Tionesei(Entertainment Officer) and
 Grace Kunaka(Food representative).
Their participation in the SRC was motivated a Female Students Network(FSN) Leadership Forum held last year at the college  under the theme “I demand my space to lead”, where the importance being leadership of was stressed.
The main aim of the leadership forum was to develop leadership skills for female students in order for them to appreciate the importance of participating in the decision making bodies such as SRC and at national level.
Previously, female students in most tertiary institutions that FSN is working with were reluctant to enter into leadership places, but with the leadership workshops being held, more students are being inspired to take up these top positions.
Recently, four female students from Gweru Polytechnic were motivated into contesting the coming SRC elections through a feminist leadership workshop held in the Midlands capital.                                               

The new female driven SRC is a great stride towards the empowerment of women, and considering that the dean of students at Mutare Teachers’ college is male, the female SRC is commendable and worthy to be celebrated.



Alert on Rugare Girl Child

 The Female Students Network (FSN) is profoundly concerned by the recent upsurge in cases of abuse and murder of innocent girls.

The recent rape and murder of 10 year old Stacy Munjoma is deeply disturbing and shows the high rate of moral decadence in our society.

Stacy, who has since been buried, was reported missing on Sunday 16 February 2013. Her body was later found in a bushy area on Wednesday morning by a man tiling his fields. She had been raped and died due to trauma.

 FSN strongly condemns the barbaric act and appeals to the justice delivery system to bring the perpetrators to book. To Stacy’s family, FSN is with you in this time of need.

To parents around the country, we advise you to always make sure that your children especially girls are not at secluded places alone.

As FSN, we say your loss is our loss and let us help each other in safeguarding the girl child.




The Female Students Network (FSN) is extremely saddened to hear of the passing away of Nyasha Nodza, a female student at Africa University.
The  22 year old, second year Bachelor of Science Degree in Environmental Science student  passed away on  the 10th of February 2013  from migraine headaches. 
She was buried at Warren Hills Cemetery on the 11th of February 2013. 
Nyasha was a vibrant student activist who learned to oppose all forms of discrimination and developed a revolutionary consciousness in her early days at university.
She was an empowered young women and an enthusiast who spoke well to the issues that entailed her rights and others. 
Her untimely departure was not only a loss to her institution, but by FSN and its membership. She was an empowered young women and an enthusiast who spoke well to the issues that entailed her rights and others.  
Today as we mourn Nyasha, FSN express and extends its utmost sympathy to the Nodza family and friends. We share the pain and urge them to celebrate Nyasha’s life for she was an inspiration to many young women, in particular female students and the job she left shall be rallied forward with.
Nyasha was a fearless champion of equality and justice who helped recruit members for FSN at her institution. We owe it to people like Nyasha to continue to fight for the full emancipation of the female students.
 We might have lost Nyasha but FSN has not forgotten her sacrifices and her dedication to the principles of equality and justice.
May Nyasha’s soul rest in eternal peace. She shall be greatly missed.

Thursday, 14 March 2013


Mutare-About 50 students drawn from tertiary institutions in Manicaland converged at Mutare Teachers College on Saturday 16 February 2013 for a leadership seminar organised by Female Students Network (FSN).

Female students deliberate at the seminar at Mutare Teachers' College

The one day workshop drew female students from Marymount Teachers College, Africa University, Mutare Polytechnic College. Participants at the seminar were taught on leadership and how they can be able to increase participation of female students in governance issues at tertiary institutions. 

Activist and mbira music icon Francesca Mandeya facilitated at the seminar and encouraged female students to be active in campus issues.

 Addressing the students Mandeya challenged the female students to be at the forefront and take leadership positions at various levels in their institution.

 This is your time as the female students of the day, gone should be the days when we used to campaign for our male counterparts in SRC elections," she said. " As women we can do it, we must support one another rather than pulling others down."

The talented motivational speaker praised FSN for providing this platform to female students in tertiary institutions adding that it should strive to increase its membership students deliberate at the seminar at Mutare Teachers College.

Sharon Nyagato a student from Africa University expressed gratitude to the organisers of the seminar for this noble initiative calling for unity amongst the female students. Another student Charity Muchichwa from Mutare Teachers lamented that the seminar was an eye opener for her.

She said: " This meeting was indeed an eye opener for me because I learnt quite a lot being a good leader. I however encourage FSN to take this program to other tertiary institutions because this will assist in encouraging the participation of female students in campus issues. Female Students Network has been conducting such meetings in tertiary institutions countrywide.